Saturday, October 4, 2008

as usualzzz...

haiz....another working day has started after rotting for bout 5 days back at hometown...had lots of fun meeting brothers, as usual DOTA n yum cha...2wards the last day b4 came up 2 kl, we went 4 clubbing at pure n at the same time celebrating lawrence birthday...had fun clubbing n watching lawrence drunk to the max...

went back home on monday nite after work...reach mlc bout 1030pm n immediately changed 2 sports attire, preparing for futsal...haha...last minute panggil from simon...nvr thought tht i'm still the best player among all after a long time didnt touch the little ball...or perhaps they're old n tired easily?haha...who cares...had goaling spree tht nite...

tht monday nite, i brought back the family photos specially taken at the photoshop few days after my 1st it was ok...but still there is something missing in the photo...some1 who r supposed to b there sitting bside mom...well, just a lil bit sad...but life goes on...i know he's blessing me from the heaven cos i can feel his presence evry now n then...

the rest of the holiday i just went out DOTA n DOTA wit brothers...n played till bout 4am in the morning...1 hr more can eat dim sum dy...haha...witout noticing, it's already sunday...time 4 routine work starts...zzz...working is so boring...have 2 look at BOSS' face, hear him scolding n yelling...but now already used 2 it...lots of my colleagues advised me "just follow the instruction, do not object anything he suggested n u'll work happily for long long time"...haha...

how i wish if time can b reversed even for once so tht i will realise all the mistakes i've done...haiz...nothing can b done now, so i'll just do my part n improve myself better in hard, earn money 2 achieve the basic 5C:

1. CAREER = yup...currently very pek chek working lo...:-(
2. CASH = erm...temporary a bit tight cos moving into new house soon...:-(
3. CREDIT CARD = coming soon :-)
4. CONDO = moving in soon...but doesnt belongs to me...:-(
5. CAMRY = long long time some more to get it...:-)

tht's the best thing i can do for now...


wah ching said...

apeni...booze pula...clubbing izzit?got brought his god sis...very cun lae...haha...ish...u better concentrate on ur act cute yokie la...haha...

choonchiet said...

haha, cheer up guys! chiets coming to town!! jihouh, drop by KL on the 21st if you hav time to spare!

wah ching said...

zzz...die la...PCS is back...luckily no longer in uni...or else will die of alcohol addiction...

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